How to Deal with the Uni Workload

Guess who's back back back, back again?!

I am so sorry I have been away from the blogging world for a while (again!). University and the workload I have at the moment is insane, so sorry about that. I thought I would do a uni themed blog post talking about something that relates to me a lot right now and how you can get through it if you are at uni like me or you are planning to start next September! Here are 5 tips on how you can deal with the workload that comes with going to university!

TIP #1: Make a list of a few tasks that you want to complete in a day or even a week. This will really help you to set goals for your workload and to make sure that you even out the amount of time you spend on each of your course modules. 

TIP #2: Get Motivated. I find it so hard to get motivated a lot of time (I am the Queen of Procrastination!), but you can do it! A key thing to remember is, what would I do if I failed this module or the course as a whole?! It is always better to do specific tasks as you get set them, as you will not fall behind with your work and you will feel as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders! So put down your computer or phone and get to work right away!

TIP #3: Balance your social/free time with work time. This is an exceptionally important step as I have felt incredibly stressed and burnt out multiple times in the last few weeks due to the pressures of my course and the heavy amount of work that comes with it. When this happens, bear in mind that you do need time for yourself and your own health and well-being is the most important thing. Leave your books be for a couple of evenings a week and go and hang out with your friends or go and watch some TV or YouTube, whatever chills you out. I guarantee after an evening of doing this, you will feel refreshed and ready to go again the next day.

TIP #4: Set yourself a time limit. I only came across this idea the other day after seeing something online explaining that a certain way to get motivated and get tasks done was to set a timer on your phone for 1 hour for instance. Hit that start button on your timer app and your brain will think "arghhh, I only have 59 minutes and 59 seconds to do work now, I had better get to it!". Setting yourself a time limit like this can make your tasks seem more achievable and you will be more productive.

Lastly, TIP #5: Don't give up! This is definitely the most crucial tip for sure! If you generally aren't enjoying the course at all and have felt that way for a few months, then of course you could consider the option of quitting university all together. But more than likely, you are there as you are studying a subject that you really enjoy and could see yourself working in that particular industry in 10 years time. Don't forget your passion for YOUR subject! It is only you that can do the work and do well, not anyone else! Stress is generally temporary, so don't give up, you can get through this!

I x


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