Review: Schwarzkopf LIVE Color XXL in Pillar Box Red

Day 1:- As you can see, my hair has successfully absorbed the dye! Due to the fact I have naturally blonde hair, I did not need to bleach. 

Day 3:- Post from my Instagram account (IssyHerring). This picture was taken after I had washed it once. The colour seems to be as bright as it was on Day 1.

Day 14:- After roughly 4 washes, this is how my hair looks as of today. The colour has faded quite a lot, but you can still see the dye in place. 

Overall, I would recommend this dye. I really like the fact that the colour has stayed in my hair reasonably well for a cheaply priced hair dye from a high street drugstore! Will be definitely using their products more in the future! 

I x


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