Top 6 Yayer Wishlist

In Bloom Set - Blue

Stone Stacking Bracelets

Twisted Bracelet

Petal Picking CropPeachy Keen Dress
Fade Out Dress - Coral

Hey guys! I have been loving the clothing brand, Yayer sooooo freaking much at the moment it's unreal! I would literally have died and gone to heaven if I had one of their pieces in my hand! As my 20th birthday is swiftly approaching (IT'S IN 8 DAAAYS!)... I have decided to compile a quick lil' wishlist for you guys to see what I am loving from this brand at the moment, and will probably purchase when I (hopefully) recieve some moneyyyy as a present! CANNOT WAIT.

Here are all the links to the pieces I have featured as well as the AWESOME Yayer website for you guys to check out and enjoy its awesomeness too... :)

Yayer Website:
1. In Bloom Set in Blue - £27 (WAS £35):
2. Stone Stacking Bracelets - £6 (WAS £10):
3. Twisted Bracelet - £2.50 (WAS £4.50):
4. Petal Picking Crop - £10 (WAS £15):
5: Peachy Keen Dress - £15 (WAS £28):
6: Fade Out Dress in Coral - £12 (WAS £27)

These are just a few things that I am liking from this brand. Of course, there are several other things that have tickled my fancy but have not made it to the wishlist ;)

I x


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